Monday, May 4, 2009

Tagged ???

Can any of you guys inform me to exactly what is being Tagged ??

Tagged ???
Got me there..when you find out pass it on this way
Reply:I will stay away from all things TAGGED... Report It

Reply:It means either you are "IT" (watch as I run away....)

Or you've been hit with graffitti
Reply:Like "You're It!!"
Reply:It depends on the context that the word is used. If it is being used in conjunction with a blog or some kind of group post setting then it probably means "memetag" For example, one blogger may post a list of their five favorite books and then "tag" fine other bloggers asking them to do the same. Those five tag five more and so one....

Here is an example from my own blog:

It could also mean the categories or files that you have sorted a particular website under on something like a blog of del.icio.ous for example "I have your blog tagged under "personal friends" and "business contacts."

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