In the light of a local community succeeding in the forced eviction of a convicted paedophile ( who will end up God knows where....) Do you think they should be permanently tagged?
Should convicted paedophiles be tagged with a tracking device?
I think they should permanently be tagged with a hollow point.
Then we will always know where they are with that tracking device called a headstone.
Reply:Tagged??? They didn't get done for a bit of graffiti!!!
Those dirty c.unts should be ******** tortured!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Reply:If they have done their time, it is not fair. Perhaps a database would be okay, but you can not punish someone for something for ever.
Reply:I think if you step outside the law then you should lose protection from the law. Peados should be castrated, chemically or physically and be electronically tagged for the rest of their lives so their moves can be monitered.
And before the PC brigade start bleating about a breach of the peados rights, I believe that if you step outside the law then you should lose protection from the law. Like somebody said, what about the rights of the children he targets and their parents?
Reply:Yes they should.
Reply:I think this would be a good idea. Simply because, I have two children, and you never know where these people are. They could be the greeter at walmart, or anyone else. It really bothers me that these people have the same freedom to walk around undetected, stalking our young people. This tagging system would be a good idea.
Reply:No they should be castrated end of story.
Reply:They should be handed over to the father of the child they abused, failing that they should be hung by there necks
Reply:in contrast to wot most ppl believe most paedophiles do NOT re offend, some do however, but these are few. The media would have u believe a child is snatched everyday.
the proportion of sex offenders as a whole(not just paedophiles) only makes up less than 6% of all crime in the UK a yr, but the media present 40% of their news as crime namely sexual offences.
However, i do belive there should be restriction zones around places where children are expected ie school/ play zones and any improvements in this area would help parents relax.
Reply:Yes. And then we could torpedo them when they escape from Devil's Island.
Reply:Sounds good to me.
Each state should just set up one "pervert village" and make them all live together. They could put up a hazardous waste processing plant that they could all work in.
Reply:Tagged!!!!, they shouldn't be let out in the first place.
Reply:Something should be done. It is a rare thing for a pedophile to become 'cured' of his/her disease. If they have done it once, they will do it again and likely get ballsier with their actions. If they fondled prior, they could rape this time, and with the rape, it could give them courage to kill. Once it has been determined a person is a pedophile, they need to be extricated from society.
That being said, the one problem I do have with this is what about those that have been falsely accused? I know it's not as likely a child will accuse someone of rape as it is for a 'woman scorned' to falsely accused someone of rape. But there have been cases where adults have been falsely accused of molesting children - recall that daycare case out in California some years ago?
Reply:I think that they totally should. I think that would be better than just posting their address on the Internet!
Reply:No he did his time and people need to leave him alone.
Just kidding, they need to hang those guys by their jewels from the biggest tree in town.
Reply:they should be put down all togethe,they are a waste of life.
Reply:I think they should be permanently tagged. To avoid similar experience.
Reply:From what I've heard of paedophilia, it's not something where people can "do their time" and get over it. It's kind of like an illness, but much more vile.
If it were my child, I'd want the bugger castrated, left for the other prisoners to have their fun with and never released.
There is also the other side to consider whereby a large proportion of those who molest children were molested themselves as children. So in light of this I think electronic tagging after prison, and therapy in prison and after is a reasonable option. The tag should only be removed after a minimum of 5 years and after a a panel or 3 or 4 experts in the field plus community representatives are convinced there is little chance of reoffence.
It should also depend on the age of the child, the age of the offender, and the child's role, if any, in inititation (for older children 14 and up or so).
BTW. This is a really morbid question.
Reply:yes absolutely the y should be chipped under the skin and it should not stop just at them .burglers must be tagged as well for life
Reply:YES.. repeat offenders should be tagged.. microchip, maybe.. and permently tracked.. how many people are supposed to be registered and arn't?? too many start with the people that refuse to register an accurate address
Reply:Not tagged that's too kind but eliminated completely it's the right thing to do, one strike and you are gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:yes. better ,he suppost not be allowed to live anywhere.
Reply:Not automatically, once they've done their time. I know the
'rate of return" for paedophiles is high that they will re-offend, but I think they should be able to prove themselves, and if they stay out of trouble, don't tag them. But once they are accused and or convicted (again) tag them.
Reply:Yes or preferably shot,can`t be assed with all this human rights crap concerning these pieces of sh1t.
Reply:I am sure this would be a violation of their constitutional rights. Plus there are many kinds of criminal, and it would be unfair to make pedophiles submit to this and not other criminals.
Having said all that, I have no problem with it. If it was put on a ballot I would be the first yay vote. All criminals are bad but there is a special place in hell for those who rape and molest children.
Reply:with a grenade tipped harpoon, now thats pervert tagging !
Reply:what gee gee said is ridiculous, not only has one kid got to suffer the mental trauma of it, but if you want to tag him another one has to go through it first! leopards dont change their spots sweetheart i can tell you havent gone through this anguish yourself.
Reply:Yes I do. But to go one step further pedophiles should have a big letter "P" tattooed on their forehead and if they touch another child they should have both hands cut off.
Reply:I think they should be used by the military for target practice. Those dirty fu*king bast*rds.
Reply:No they should have pervert tattooed on there head in stead so everyone knows that they are one and also be casterated if they are male.
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