Monday, November 16, 2009

What means "You're Tagged!"?

Somebody Tagged me, but i have truly no idea what it means. (English is not my native language)

What means "You're Tagged!"?
Depends on the context. It originates from the game of tag, in which one person is "It" and can tag another player to make them "It" instead. There is also "phone tag", a term people to use to describe circumstances when a pair of people are trying to catch each other on the phone and keep getting each other's answering machines.

Among bloggers (I include LiveJournal users in this), someone who has just finished a 'meme' will often tag various friends. This means they are to do the meme in turn.
Reply:If you are a kid, it can mean you are playing a game. It is now your turn to touch or tag someone and tell them they are "it."

Or it could mean that someone spray painted grafitti on your house or car.
Reply:In America, "Tag" is a children's game in which one child is "it" and the other children run around trying to avoid that child. When the child that is "it" tags you you have to stay still until another child who has not been tagged releases you by touching you. It is a way for American children to release pent up energy they get from sitting in classes all day.

On the net, it would mean you just have to pick a person and tell them they are "tagged" and then you are not "it' anymore.
Reply:It means something like "it's your turn".

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