Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Are Ron Paul supporters afraid of him being tagged as liberaal?

There was a post or reply to me that led me to ask this question? It either said or asked why Paul was being tagged as a liberal. Are his conservative backers haters of liberals and and are afraid they will touch with their conservative friends for backing a liberal imitator? Is that why they try to distract us from that thinkng?

Are Ron Paul supporters afraid of him being tagged as liberaal?
Reply:He is a liberal and bless him for that. Out of all the Republican Candidates, he is the only one not spewing out the Party Line, trying to please that small group of people still remaining in the folds of the Far Right.

He will never be elected because Republicans listen to Rush Limbaugh and will only vote as they are directed. Instead, they will elect some slick politician, super rich and parroting the same old war-mongering stance.

Ron Paul is part of a dying breed, the Moderate Republican, a man with both common sense and compassion. That is anethema to Republicans today, they don't want someone with common sense. They want the Rush Limbaugh Hate filled agenda, the sense of superiority they can give themselves, the moral platform they can claim...even though the immorality of the Republican Party is reaching a legendary status, with legislators and ministers falling by the wayside.

Americans do not vote for common sense. They vote for charisma. They vote for that laid-back fella who looks like a good ole boy. Vote for a scrunched-up little man who is telling the truth? Never!

It's up to the young folks. Listen and learn. Don't vote for looks, or the guy who can mouth puns and declare his high morality. Vote for common sense and the person who is brave enough to tell the truth! Listen and learn!
Reply:Then there are way too many people calling themselves "conservative" who don't know the difference between a liberal and a libertarian.
Reply:not afraid at all - and we are haters of no one live and let live is basically pauls ideaology along with following the framework of govt set forth in the constitution and the mindset of Washington and Jefferson - He does not think that the federal govt should be the "provider" of the people -he thinks local and state govts should decide that(which would lower the need for tax revenue at the federal level ) - whereas liberals think in the communal sense and think the fed govt is the provider and should tell the citizens how to behave (many new republicans have this idea in their headfs today as well )-so no we are not afraid but want people to see the difference
Reply:No they are afraid that nobody cares to tag him as anything at all.
Reply:sorry i dont support any politians as i dont vote when voting day comes
Reply:According to his website, he wants to such things as eliminate the Department of Education, lower taxes, and have a strict interpretation of the Second Amendment. These hardly sound like liberal approaches to me.
Reply:Fraid I don't know what a liberaal is.
Reply:What has happened is that Ron Paul is gathering support from a wide spectrum of the population -- including liberals. This is due largely to the lack of any quality candidates in the Democratic Party. Ron Paul and the Libertarian Party are not at all liberal. On the other hand, Ron Paul is a threat to the ruling-elite and their agenda of imperialist war abroad and repression at home and the general public clearly embraces that aspect of his candidacy.

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