Saturday, April 17, 2010

Is America safer, by having the Patriot act?Or will our gov. use it2 Invade our privacy ,Tagged comp,is Invade

so is logging into an united states law, online to see what s what, and having ur computer tagged not invasion of sorts?Is having your Phone also tapped (without a search warrents) also a kind of Intrusion and Invasion ,into your privacy ? What else does this act let them do to us USA citizens?

Is America safer, by having the Patriot act?Or will our gov. use it2 Invade our privacy ,Tagged comp,is Invade
that;s a great question; with my amnesty international group at school, we protested the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act came about 45 days after the 9/11 attack. This was a rash move on behalf of the government. The Patriot Act takes away our basic rights that was granted to us in the Constitution. For instance, the government can look into our records like library records, business records, or any other tangible item.

Under the Patriot Act, the government can listen to your phone conversations, read your emails, and can detain and deport immigrants that they suspect are linked to terrorists activities. The Patriot Act allows the government to take away your civil liberties. This doesn't make America any stronger.

Don't think you are being unpatriotic by not supporting the Patriot Act. In actuality, you are being a good citizen by questioning the government rather then being a sheep in the middle of the flock and following the leader.
Reply:Yes and No.

Yes, because if you do not have anything to hide, you shouldn't be worried at all. A good example would be the safety measures at the airport. I would rather be checked up thoroughly than worry that someone on my plane may carry a gun. Wouldn't you?

No, because sometimes the government abuses the powers people gran it. As much as I am sure that nothing wil get me in trouble, I don't want some pal in the security department listening to my private conversations.

It' s an interesting issue, but weighting al the pro's and con's, I'd say, it'd be better to have the PATRIOT act with its disadvantages, than not have it altogether.
Reply:In the current situation where all the countries of world are facing uprising of religious fundamentalism it becomes necessary that at any cost Government takes action. You are not going to lose anything by losing your privacy. But the country gains more than you lose. Even by doing this, government can capture couple of terrorists, it will be justified. Single Human life is a lot bigger than all privacy stuffs at the moment. Support your government.
Reply:They already have used the patriot act to invade privacy.
Reply:i have nothing to hide let them check out my phone records or other stuff.. i think it makes us safer.
Reply:why worry??

It dosen't bother me at all!!

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